Inside of the TCWebs I.T Solutions Hosting Control Panel you’ll find a fully–featured, simple point and click Databases Manager! Put it to use to enjoy complete control over all of your databases. You are able to easily set up new MySQL and PgSQL databases and control them via the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software programs, respectively.

Clean and Very easy Interface

Manage all of your databases from a single place

The Databases Manager in the Hosting Control Panel features a powerful nevertheless convenient interface. It is possible to set up a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by just typing a user name and password. Furthermore, you could make a back–up file or change the security password of the database with a mouse click.

Within the Databases Manager you’ve got direct access to the management area for all of your databases, meaning you can make hassle–free adjustments in the event you have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Quick Database Back up

Back up your databases in a moment

We’ve changed the manual database backup creation into a simple task. To do so: inside the Databases Manager, click the ’clock’ symbol near the database that you would like to back up and then wait around for a few seconds for the process to take place. With respect to the size of the database, the generation of any back–up file can take between a few seconds and a minute.

You may create as many copies of a database as you want. We haven’t set any boundaries for the volume of databases that you could back up as well.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Support

Essentially the most protected open source databases

A lot of TCWebs I.T Solutions’s Linux cloud website hosting bundles deliver PgSQL support. Although falling behind MySQL with regard to acceptance and utilization, PgSQL databases are famous for offering the top level of safety for your web site content material. This is the primary reason why companies like Skype and Yahoo rely upon PgSQL databases and not MySQL.

With regards to database management, PgSQL is as straightforward as MySQL.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The fresh new face of MySQL

With TCWebs I.T Solutions, you will consistently discover the most current release of MySQL as well as the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, set up.

InnoDB is far more reliable as compared to the old storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It’s ACID–compliant and, most of all – it includes 100% transaction support. Furthermore, it employs row–level locking, as an alternative for MyISAM’s table–level locking, that used to lead to effectiveness issues at high usage times.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Detailed stats for your databases

Tracking the load caused by the databases in your dynamic website makes it possible to stop any kind of overload difficulties that might slow it down and ward off site visitors. For that reason, we’ve bundled a thorough Database Stats tool directly into the Hosting Control Panel. There you can find comprehensive information regarding the incoming requests to your databases for every single hour, day and month.

Using the number of daily and hourly queries, it will be easier to find out which databases are utilized the most and then take steps to optimize their load.

Hepsia File Manager