Help and Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A one hour Inquiry Answer Guarantee

  • Our team of qualified professionals will do their best to answer to your help demands in less than 1 hour. If, however, the situation you have encountered demands the assistance of our Admin =Department,= we are going to send the ticket to the technician on duty and will submit a reply to notify you.

  • Top quality support service
  • Top–quality Tech Help Service

  • We will be working for you round the clock to offer you advices and client support and also to help you with any trouble that you could run into as you are monitoring your virtual server. We are able to help you with all pre–configured applications, plus your Operating System, server admin panel (depending on the VPS type) and the Hosting Control Panel designed 100% by us.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A Descriptive Help Zone

  • Each section of the Hosting Control Panel that is available free of cost with your VPS offers you an internal article base. You’ll find an array of descriptive how–to articles and a collection of step–by–step video tutorials that present all the necessary site maintenance tasks. You can access them by clicking on the Help or Video buttons in the right part of each Control Panel section.