According to the policies adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the contact info a domain name is registered with must be valid and up to date at all times. What’s more, this information is openly available on WHOIS lookup sites and while this may not be a problem for firms, it may not be very convenient for individuals, since anybody can view their names and their personal email and postal addresses, all the more so in times when identity theft isn’t that atypical. For this reason, domain registrars have come up with a service that conceals the details of their clients without editing them. The service is referred to as Whois Privacy Protection. In case it is active, people will see the details of the domain registrar, not those of the domain owner, if they make a WHOIS inquiry. The Whois Privacy Protection service is supported by all generic TLD extensions, but it’s still not possible to conceal your personal details with certain country-code ones.
Whois Privacy Protection in Cloud Website Hosting
You can easily enable Whois Privacy Protection for any domain that you have registered with our company in case you’ve got a cloud website hosting account with us. This can be accomplished through the same Hepsia hosting Control Panel, via which you manage the web hosting account itself, so you will not need to switch between different Control Panels. In the very same section where all your registered domain names will be listed, there will be an “Whois Privacy Protection” icon for each domain name whose extension supports this option. The status of that icon will quickly let you know if the Whois Privacy Protection service is enabled for a certain domain name or not and by clicking that icon you can activate the service in case you haven’t done so upon signup. Furthermore, you will also be able to renew or to disable the Whois Privacy Protection service for any domain name using the exact same icon and the change will take effect instantly.
Whois Privacy Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
In case you have a semi-dedicated server account with us and you register a domain under it, you can activate our Whois Privacy Protection service with ease. This requires just a couple of clicks in the Registered Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel, through which you manage everything associated with your semi-dedicated web hosting account. This is where you can see all your domain names and for each one of them you will find an “Whois Privacy Protection” button, using which you can order, renew or remove the service. Of course, this can be done only with generic and country-specific extensions that support this option and you’ll be able to see this in advance, so you will not end up buying a service that we cannot provide.